Comments on: Depressurizing the EC155 Portafilter Open Hardware and Software Mon, 16 Aug 2021 07:40:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Laguna Mon, 16 Aug 2021 07:40:44 +0000 In reply to Steve Thom.

Great tips! It works well! Thank you!

By: Bob Wood Wed, 20 Mar 2019 21:41:03 +0000 Thanks for the tip on modding the EC155. Just did it. No crema, but I’ve obviously got to change my grind and tamping to adjust to the lack of pressurization. Better espresso taste. Like the mod.

By: Dmitriy Tue, 22 May 2018 09:00:47 +0000 In reply to Nicoletta Ciampa.

Probably it was not “time it”, but “tamp it”? With pressurized filters tamping is not necessary, however it’s better to tamp.

Overall the proccess of pulling a shot with PF and unPF is the same. However the latter one requires more skills – with unpressurized baskets you should choose the correct grind level and tamp the coffee in such way that the coffee puck itself would limit the pressure (because you don’t have a magic pressure limiter in the filter anymore). The trick is to create a bed of coffee with even density. Otherwise the water will run too fast or not through all coffee and espresso would be spoiled.

By: GvySmily Wed, 09 May 2018 08:15:53 +0000 In reply to Ed Alexander.

Hah, Ed, somehow your comment is the only one that triggered an email notification to me in all these years. I couldn’t remember ever writing about the portofilter mod until I followed the link back here. I thought it was odd because I just got my new steam wand in the mail today. Anyway, Kudos to Ethan for posting this in the first place

We’ve been using our same machine since back then. We still have the bent disc but don’t use it. In fact, we went back to the stock pressurized setup because we realized our coffee and tamping technique were still the bigger variable.

To tell the truth, the biggest difference came from changing coffee (and I’m ashamed to admit that we’ve settled on Lavazza but it’s really the best coffee we’ve found), and storing it in a true vacuum pump sealed container.

As I mentioned, we’re just now considering getting into tweaking the machine again, and I’m starting with the steam wand since the aerator tube is lost anyway.

As for the naked portofilter, I’m thinking about trying the mod with the disc flipped upside down and cutting down the extra rubber flap (a true permanent mod). It might be nice to increase the volume of the small basket this way too.

By: Ed Alexander Wed, 09 May 2018 01:46:15 +0000 In reply to Ed Alexander.

UPDATE: I’ve run into the same problem as 2 earlier reviewers had using the ‘temporary’ method getting little crema & a bad taste. I believe what ‘GvySmily’ said about the screen warping was correct. Apparently the rubber gasket doesn’t allow a flat surface because it has a lip that holds the screen. So using the plastic plate for support is necessary so the metal screen won’t warp from pressure. Yet watching YouTube I see them using the ‘temp’ method & pulling award winning shots. – So go figure!

By: Nicoletta Ciampa Fri, 06 Apr 2018 03:51:39 +0000 Another newbie comment 8 years out. Thanks for this very helpful blog!

I inherited the EC155 for free and bought myself a nice grinder (used mazzer mini) to start my espresso journey. I knew that the pressurized PF would not be the best option, but for free I took it and made the modifications here (the permanent one). I am very new to pulling espresso. How do a alter how I use the machine now that it’s not pressurized? Before it was on, wait for the temp., and turn it on to pull until the volume I wanted was there. Now that it’s not pressurized, do I have to “time it”- what does that mean? I watch a lot of coffee gear videos and keep hearing that with pressurized PFs you don’t have to “time it”, so now that it’s not pressurized- what do I do?!

By: Ed Alexander Fri, 02 Mar 2018 19:19:17 +0000 Late ‘newbie’ here. Just started going back to drinking great espresso again. So I bought the same EC511 that I had back in the early 90’s. Apparently there is a newer model – EC511’M’ that Delonghi released last year. But it’s basically the same but costs $20 more. So after reading back it appears that this pressurizer device on the portafilter (the old EC511 didn’t have one). It appears that this was added so you could use ‘PODS’ with it. Basically your drawing strong coffee without a true crema. By depressurizing it, I’m guessing I’ll be able to now to draw a more authentic espresso that has flavor. –

Thanks Ethan for this helpful article you published back in February of 2010. Nice that you still have it posted for others like myself

By: Hussam El-Din Hammad Ali Sat, 01 Jul 2017 04:04:20 +0000 I use delonghi eco310 which is almost the same to ec155

Would anyone try the basket of Ecp31.21 ??
I saw it comes with three baskets one of them is pressurized like ours

By: Ethan Zonca Mon, 05 Jun 2017 02:43:57 +0000 In reply to mathijs.

Glad this guide was still useful for you! I got rid of my EC155 a few years ago, but got some surprisingly good results with such an inexpensive machine and this mod.

By: mathijs Sun, 04 Jun 2017 19:30:06 +0000 Seven years later this still is some good advice. The espresso I get from this machine now really improved. Better crema, better espresso over all.

I use simply the lavazza that comes in black cans, nothing fancy.

Thanks a lot for this great mod instructions, I was about to sell it and go back to a stove bialetti.
