Sorry for the wait, put up what could, and will be updating it over the summer and correcting it where I see mistakes.Back to Home Page |
Step 1: Getting the Crosses
This is where you want to get a small cross in teh 3x3 center of every cube. |
OrientationJust choose a side, and look for the other "center middles" on the other faces of the cube. AlgorithmWhat is essentially taking place is you are ligning up the center middle so that it can be turned into the side of the matching color. When the piece is turned into the side of the matching color, that side is then turned and you substitute in a color that should be there into the row that brought in the new piece. Then the row is turned back and brings out the unmatching piece and moving all the other moved piece back into place. |
Step 2: Getting the Centers
Now you get to finish up that 3x3 center, so it is all one color. |
OrientationChoose a side and find the corresponding color center edges on the other faces. Algorithmu'-R'-u-R'-u'-2R-u--> |
Step 3: Getting the Edges
Turn all those little edges pieces on each edge (excluding corners) into one edge by matching em up and putting them into the same edge. |
OrientationDesignate a color to be top, and always make sure that is top because you will be storing solved edges on the top and the bottom, these algorithms wont mess up the solved edges that are on the top and the bottom. Basically you use all the side edges, the ones that are verticle. AlgorithmShorthand: --> Shorthand: --> Shorthand: --> Shorthand: --> |
Step 4: Solve like a 3x3
Finish up the cube as far as you can by solving it like a 3x3 cube, if you have a paritie (next step) just go by the middle piece for which way the edge will end up facing.
OrientationTitle says all. AlgorithmTitle says all. |
ThE pArItIeS
The Parities
Now you get to finally finish the cube if you didnt already finish it, this is where you rid the cube of the parities, or the messed up edge with the pieces in the correct spot but not facing the correct direction. |
OrientationMake it so you are looking at the perities 0.o in the top front edge like the picture to the right. AlgorithmTurn the middle right side 180 degrees, back 180 degrees, top 180 degrees, turn the middle left side clockwise, the top 180 degrees, middle right side counterclockwise 90 degrees, top 180 degrees, middle right side clockwise 90 degrees, top 180 degrees, the front 180 degrees, the middle right clockwise 90 degrees, the front 180 degrees, the middle left counterclockwise 90 degrees, then back 180 degrees, and finaly turn the middle right side 180 degrees. That wasnt so long now was it. Shorthand:2r-2B-2U-l-2U-r'-2U-r-2U-2F-r-2F-l'-2B-2r--> |